Please Don't Stop learning (!)
Saturday, August 29, 2009 / CME project work.
Name : Linagoh,
Index number : (04)
Date of submission : 29August2009
Choice of video : Video 3

(1) Suggest the possible options you will do.

Decide not to do:
-Don't cheat
-Don't play too much

Decide to do:
-Admit the mistake made
-Be honest

(2)What factors do you think would affect your decision?

Decide not to do
-I think playing too much would affect my decision.

Decide to do
-I think I should depend on myself, do not cheat.

(3)What do you think would be the consequences of your decisions?

Did not do
-I'll not feel guilty

Did do
-Teachers,parents and friends would be disappointed in me
-I will regret alot.
-Zero marks for the test

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 / 22 July 2009
1. describing the moment of a force in tearms oof its turing effect and give everyday examples in tearms of moments.
2. recall ed the relationship of a force (Moment = Force x Perpendicular distance from the pivot).
3. Applying the relationship between moment of a foce and perpendicular distance from the pivot to new situations or to solve new situations.

Thursday, April 9, 2009 / CME's Final submission.
CME's final submission. The values:friendship and respect.

Name: Jolie(08)

night view of the past year stadium

past year stadium

the names of the olympic winners

the values of the beijing olympic

the sign of beijing olympic

another sign of beijing olympic

the sign of beijing olympic done by people

Group Reflection.
Olympics Game Value-One of the Olympic Games’ values is Friendship. Friendship in the Olympic Games is very important. Although the contestants from all over the world are competitors, they are also friends, although they are all competing against each other, they still can be very good friends. No matter who will emerge as the winner, harmony is also a important value they should have.Respect is also another value of the Olympics Games. As a participant, being able to take part in the Olympics Games had already brought glory to the country. The winning may be important, or rather very important but when you had tried your very best in completing your tasks, you are already a winner yourself. Regardless of what position you get, one also must respect the decisions made by the judges and be proud of the results you had achieved. One also must not think negatively, for example, thinking that the judges are being biased etc.

Personal Reflection.
I had learned a lot of things from this cme's project.Especially those Olympic's games values.The olympic games will be held every four years and at different country,i think by doing so,the friendships between all the countries will be closer and better.Other than olympic games, there would be youth olympic games too.It would be host by Singapore in 2010.I think Singapore would have better relationship with other countries which benefits our country too.By improving the friendships between other countries, the countries might help us when we're in difficulties.
Other than friendship, the other value i learned was respect.We have to respect other countries's opinion,ideas and suggestion to improve th hosting of the big event(olympic games).If we do not respect others, i think we would have difficulties doing on our own.

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